Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hey I'm up to July 4!

Obviously, I'm still catching up on the busy summer.  Even though we have an empty nest, I'm trying to decorate.  It's never been my greatest strength, but here's what I did for the mantle for the summer.  Rebecca and I made this Pinterest project together.  I would give whoever credit for coming up with this idea, but it's been so long, I don't remember what site we (and when I say we, I mean Rebecca) found the idea.

How's this for a cute July baby?

Puddin' and I had a quiet 4th of July.  Everybody was busy with their own families.  We decided to take a quick drive to the beach to watch our nephew play in a baseball tournament.  We don't get to see him play much.

We stayed until those dark clouds laced with wind, rain and lightening chased us (me) to the car (because I'm a big 'ol chicken).  Earlier in the week tropical storm Debbie had blown through.  The lights and scoreboards were still nonoperational from the storm.  I loved Julia's shirt. I'm all for girls playing softball and still being girly!  Brandon is giving some encouraging words in the bottom picture...I think.  Before the rain came, we were able to see Blake bat and pitch.  Finally, another random picture.  Eli's parents sent this picture a couple of weeks earlier when they were at the beach visiting El's Ginny and Pops.  It makes me smile whenever I see it.

Friday, September 14, 2012

June 14

Yeah, still trying to get caught up from the summer.  I'm up to June!  June 14 was our 32nd wedding anniversary.  We made a quick get away to the beach for the night.

I love this picture of us, even if it was taken with the cell phone.

It's always good to get away!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Moving weekend

In June, Zach planned to move out of seminary housing and into a new place.  An upper floor apartment with flooring that you don't fall through.  Mike and Wesley made the long drive up to NC.  Thank you Wesley for unselfishly volunteering your time out of school to help.  Puddin' said you drove many a load back and forth.  The upper apartment is Zach's.  The apartment underneath is Amber's.

Rebecca, little man and I stayed busy locally.  We wished we could have helped but I couldn't get off of work.  We did manage to have lots of fun on our own.  Nana thought little man would enjoy the carousel at our local mall.  FAIL!  I did enjoy the hugs I got from it though.  :)

So we managed to do other fun things.  Like make a home made drum kit, eat Cheetos off the den floor, play dress up with Puddin's cowboy boots and get some yogurt.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Spring in NC

Earlier this spring, we got the chance to visit Zach, Amber and Hera in NC.  Mike had not been to NC since we moved Zach in last summer.  I had an unplanned visit last fall, but it wasn't for fun and games.  

Zach showed us around campus.  After church on Sunday, Zach and Amber took us to a nearby trail.

Memorial Day weekend, Zach and Amber were able to come home.  Zach was a groomsmen in a wedding.  It was an absolute picture perfect wedding.  The weather became unusually hot that weekend.  I felt for the beautiful bride, but in the end it doesn't matter.  It will become a story of their lives.

Built by the bride's father.

The groom and groomsmen lined up and ready.

The bride and her father.

Zach and Amber at the reception.  The bride's father is quite the musician and historian.  He has a lot of antique instruments.  This is a civil war clarinet that he allowed Amber to play. 

Wesley, Rebecca and Eli also came home that weekend to see Zach and Amber.  Eli is very fond of his Uncle Z..  I love the way he says Amber's name too.  It comes out more like Am-burr, but it's cute!

We also took little man to a local park to play.  The heat was getting to us all, but Eli didn't want to slow down.  Look at those sweet red cheeks! 

Soon it was time for everyone to pack up and leave.  Amber and Zach headed back to NC.  Little man and his family packed up and headed back to their home.   We certainly missed our Texas family.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Maddie Turns One Part One

 July 15, Maddie turned one!  It had been six months since we have seen her and her parents.  We were really excited about our trip.  Zach and Amber were able to take the weekend off and join us in TX.  The Taff's had gone out a few days before us, and we were traveling back the same day.  I realize I am becoming one of "those" people who thinks everything the grandchildren say and do is cute.  Also, I'm enjoying being a "nana" for selfish reasons too.  It turns out "nana" is easy for an early talker to say! haha  I told you it was selfish!

Anywho, it's a long trip to TX.  As the Taff's stopped for the first night at a hotel in MS, Eli picked up the phone and started saying talking to "Nana".  

The next few pictures was before the rest of us could get to TX as well.  I relied on cell phone pictures from the girls.

The cousins enjoying having a playmate.

Big cuz and little cuz at the Ft. Worth Zoo.

Eli enjoyed sharing a 'nack with Tia

For Maddie's birthday, her daddy built her a sand box.  The cover comes off and it has bench seats.

Little lady likes to dance!

Weekend getaway continued and photo overload..

Crossing the bridge from Savannah

We knew Eli would like the picture of the "boat".  He always finds it on my phone and we talk about "boats."

Our beautiful cottage.

Puddin' enjoying the reading nook. 

 I'm usually not a fan of "feet pictures"..maybe it's just my feet, so I took this picture just to jump on the feet bandwagon.  haha

 Our primary mode of transportation for the weekend, and the things we discovered while bike riding.

Our first night there, we saw a large alligator in the lagoon which kind of freaked me out a bit.  I was constantly on the lookout for them.  Then, we saw this sign on the dock.  I kind of had a blonde moment because when I first read it I wondered how they are able to keep the sharks out of the area.  Man, this place has thought of everything!  haha  Then I read the sign again.  yeah...

This is the inside of the beautiful chapel.  While there, we went on an historical bus ride.  The tour guide liked to talk.  Of course we were in an air conditioned bus since it was July, but we sat on the wrong side.  Who knew there was a right and wrong side?  I know now!  We sat on the side behind the bus driver and he kept all the sights to his right.  Unless I wanted to sit on a stranger's lap, I didn't really get many pictures of historical Savannah.  I did get this picture of the supposed true story of the waving lady.  The legend goes she waved to very passing ship waiting for her beloved boyfriend to return.  He never did...uplifitng.